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PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:50 pm
by JayZR2
1. Association Specifics
1.1. Name,
This Association is incorporated as ?Northeast Association of 4WD Clubs?, here in referred to as the ?Association?.
1.2. Address
Northeast Association of 4WD Clubs
PO Box 887
Derry, NH 03038
1.3. Mission Statement,
To protect and promote environmentally responsible Off-Highway Vehicle recreation, while maintaining a harmonious relationship between OHV enthusiasts and landowners.
To support and educate Local, State and National agencies in the preservation of OHV recreation.
1.4. Association Insignia
A circular logo emblazoned with a banner, displaying the name of the club partially around the perimeter of the logo and partially across the banner, bearing a stylized landscape including mountains, trees, water, rocks, and a trail.
1.5. Fiscal Year.
February 1 through January 31.
2. Membership
2.1. Qualifications
2.1.1. Each club applying for Association membership must be actively involved in 4WD activities.
2.1.2. An applicant club?s name must not be considered in any way offensive in race, creed, color or nationality as determined by the Board of Directors.
2.1.3. Each applicant club must agree to comply in full with the Association's by-laws
2.1.4. A club applying for membership must, prior to acceptance as a full Member Club: Be incorporated prior to full membership approval A club in pursuit of incorporation may be considered conditionally acceptable upon review by the BOD
2.2. Application for Membership: (Nomination of New Members)
2.2.1. A club applying for Association membership must submit a completed application, signed by that clubs executive Officers, (Available on the NEA4WDC Web site or from the BOD.)
2.2.2. Application fees must be submitted with the application,
2.2.3. The Membership Committee Chairperson or his or her delegate assumes responsibility for: Making the applicant club knowledgeable of all rules and regulations, including these Bylaws, regarding Association membership. Representing the applicant club in all Association matters, including BOD meetings. (The Membership Committee Chairperson shall represent the Applicant club to the BOD as an advisory position, regardless if the Chairperson has a BOD vote.)
2.3. Approval by the Board of Directors
2.3.1. New Club applications must be approved by the BOD
2.3.2. The BOD retains the right to deny membership or reject any application.
2.4. Provisional Membership
2.4.1. A club, whose application for membership is approved and accepted for consideration by the BOD, is required to complete a period of time as a 'Provisional' member. 'Provisional membership will last for a period which is to be determined by the BOD. If considered appropriate by the BOD the Provisional membership extends for an arbitrary period of time which includes or overlaps a portion of the Association's active season, (March through November). During this period, BOD appointed observer(s) must be invited to observe at least one regularly scheduled club run. If it is determined by the BOD that compliance with above would cause significant hardship for either the BOD or the Provisional Club then this requirement may be waived by a vote of the BOD.
2.4.2. A Provisional Member Club does not have a BOD Delegate but is represented as stated in Section 2.2.3.
2.4.3. A Provisional Member Club may be immediately expelled for: Violation of any rules or standards set forth in these Bylaws; Any action considered, by the BOD, to be defamatory toward the Association; Noncompliance with any Executive or BOD directive
2.4.4. A club incurring expulsion during its provisional period is not granted the protection or due process provided in Section 7.8 (inclusive), ?Member Club Expulsion.
2.4.5. A provisional club facing expulsion may instead, at the discretion of the BOD, be suspended from the Association for a period of time.
2.4.6. At the successful completion of the provisional period, a club shall become a full member, with all Association rights and privileges as provided in these Bylaws. (See Section 3.2. Dues)
3. Fees and Dues
3.1. Application Fee
3.1.1. The application fee is determined on an annual basis by the BOD and shall be submitted as stated in Section 2.2.2,
3.1.2. The application fee will not be returned upon denial of membership.
3.2. Dues
3.2.1. The amount per club and criteria for annual dues are determined on an annual basis by the BOD.
3.2.2. Dues cover the one year period following payment due date.
3.2.3. Dues invoices are sent to member clubs on February 1st and are due by March 1 of the calendar year.
3.2.4. NEA4WDC Membership will be terminated if dues are not received by April 1st of that calendar year.
3.2.5. A club, upon completion of its provisional period, must submit dues based on a BOD directed pro-rated basis for the remainder of the membership year.
4. Financial Information
4.1. Bank Account
4.1.1. The duly elected Treasure will maintain a bank account, in the name of Northeast Association of 4WD Clubs Incorporated'.
4.1.2. Bank Account transactions equal to or less than $1000.00, may be exercised by the Association's Treasurer
4.1.3. Both the Treasurer and the President must sign Bank Account transactions that exceed $1000.00.
4.2. Reporting of Statement
4.2.1. The Treasurer will maintain a ledger of all Association finances.
4.2.2. The Treasurer will submit a report of financial activity at each monthly BOD meeting.
5. Meetings:
5.1. Location
5.1.1. Notice of General meetings will be posted on the Association web page. It is the responsibility of club Delegates to notify their club's general membership of upcoming Association General Meetings.
5.1.2. Notice of location of BOD meetings will be posted on the Association web page. The Association Secretary is responsible for notifying Delegates as to any change in location of a scheduled meeting.
5.2. Announcements and Notifications
5.2.1. General notification of Association activities will be posted on the official Association web page.
5.2.2. Delegates are responsible for alerting their club to all Association announcements and notifications.
5.3. General Association Meetings
5.3.1. General Meetings are defined as being held for all members of all Association clubs.
5.3.2. The Association President will preside over General Association meetings.
5.3.3. General Association Meetings are non-voting events, held for announcements or dissemination of general information.
5.3.4. Attendance at General Association meetings is not mandatory.
5.4. Board of Directors Meetings
5.4.1. Board of Directors meetings shall be held on the first Saturday of every other month at 10:00 AM. In the case of a holiday weekend the meeting will be held on the second Saturday of that month.
5.4.2. BOD meetings shall consist of the elected Executive Officers and all Member Clubs? primary or alternate delegates.
5.4.3. A Member Club may elect to change its primary delegate at any time provided notification of the change is given to the Association Secretary at least 10 days prior to the next BOD meeting.
5.4.4. BOD meetings are open for observation by all members of all Association clubs.
5.4.5. General membership participation during a BOD meeting may be disallowed by a 3/4 vote approval of the BOD members present at the time.
5.4.6. Attendance Any Executive Officer who accumulates more than 3 unexcused absences from the Board of Director's Meetings in a twelve-month period will be asked to step down from Office. (See Section: 9.8) Any Member Club that accumulates more than 3 unexcused absences from the Board of Director's Meetings in a twelve-month period may be considered for expulsion by the BOD. (See Section: 9.9) Excused Absence - Absences will be allowed for work or family matters. Advanced notification of absenteeism is required unless just cause can be shown after the fact, i.e. emergency, illness.
5.5. BOD Executive Session
5.5.1. A BOD Executive Session may be held to discuss sensitive topics before the Board, which include but are not limited to legal issues, internal activities or sensitive and confidential matters.
5.5.2. The BOD may, at their discretion, and by a 3/4 vote of approval of the BOD members present at the time, hold or enter into an Executive Session. It is customary for Executive Session meetings to be held after the regular BOD meeting is adjourned.
5.5.3. An Executive Session meeting is closed to all except the Executive Officers, the BOD and any specifically invited individuals.
5.6. Special Meeting of Members
5.6.1. The BOD, at their discretion, may call for a Special Meeting to present or discuss matters of immediate importance to the Association.
5.6.2. A Special BOD Meeting may be called by the Executive Board by a majority vote of the board
5.7. Electronic Conduct of Business
5.7.1. The BOD and Executive Officers may employ a controlled access, moderated, on-line forum to do the business of the Association including, but not limited to, discussion on any pertinent topic, information sharing, and voting on issues at the President's request. (See Section 6.4.) The controlled on-line forum membership access must include all Executive Officers, Primary Delegates, designated Alternate Delegates and other BOD designees.
5.7.2. The Association President will preside over all activity conducted via this medium. The President will make direct contact by telephone to advise and or collect a vote from any Delegate who, for any reason, is unable to access the on-line forum. The results of any such communication will then be posted on the controlled forum. It is the responsibility of the effected Executive Officer or Delegate to inform the President of the inability to participate in any electronic activity. At the President?s discretion, any activity may be tabled until the next Regular Association meeting.
6. Voting
6.1. Voting at General Membership Meetings
6.1.1. Voting is not permitted at General Membership Meetings.
6.2. Voting at BOD Meetings
6.2.1. Voting at a BOD meeting will only take place if a quorum is established.
6.2.2. A quorum will exist only if a minimum of three of the five elected executive Officers and 2/3 of the Member Club Delegates are present. If, for any reason during a meeting a quorum ceases to exist, no further voting will be permitted. Any meeting may be adjourned by a majority of the votes cast upon the question, whether or not a quorum is present, and the meeting may be held as adjourned without further notice
6.2.3. Each Association Member Club has one delegate vote.
6.2.4. In the event of a voting tie the Association President will vote to break the tie. In the absence of the President, the line of succession will be: Executive Vice President, Vice President of Environmental Affairs and Treasurer; less than that and a quorum ceases to exist.
6.2.5. The BOD can only vote on motions made by Executive Officers or members of the BOD. The general membership and or other observers may not initiate motions for BOD voting consideration.
6.3. Voting at Special Meetings
6.3.1. Voting at Special Meetings will be done in accordance with the above Section 6.2. Voting at BOD Meetings. The general membership of Association Member Clubs does not have a vote at Special Meetings.
6.4. Electronic Voting Protocol, (See Section 5.7)
6.4.1. All electronic voting and associated discussions will be posted on the controlled access, on-line forum.
6.4.2. A quorum is always assumed to exist.
6.4.3. The ?Motions? section is used for making motions, seconding motions and any discussion or amendments thereof.
6.4.4. The ?Votes? section is used by the Delegates or designated Alternates to vote on motions ONLY.
6.4.5. A motion must be ?seconded? prior to further discussion (The motion will ?die? if it is not seconded.)
6.4.6. All subsequent discussion must take place in the original ?Motion? thread.
6.4.7. After a period of discussion that is at the President?s discretion, the motion will be moved to a vote. .
6.4.8. Actual votes must be made within the ?Votes? section in a thread established by the President for that reason. Acceptable votes are: FOR, AGAINST or ABSTAIN. If a club delegate does not vote within the time period designated by the President per 6.4.7, that clubs vote shall be considered as ABSTAIN.
6.4.9. Amendments that increase an Electronic Motion?s complexity may, at the discretion of the President, cause the motion to be tabled until the next BOD meeting
6.4.10. A Delegate may solicit the President to table the motion but only prior to the motion being ?moved?.
7. Disciplinary Action
7.1. The BOD may, at its discretion and with a 2/3 vote, censure, place on probation, suspend, or expel a Member Club.
7.2. A member club subject to Disciplinary Action shall be provided with an Administrative Hearing prior to any BOD action.
7.2.1. Administrative Hearing Procedures Opening Statements Presentation of facts Witness accounts Factual evidence Rebuttal of evidence or account of events Deliberation Vote for Executive Session per section 5.5 Involved parties to be excluded from deliberation BOD deliberation to findings BOD decision on final disposition Presentation of decision by BOD
7.3. A Member Club voted to receive Disciplinary Action by the BOD shall be considered notified of the Disciplinary Action if that club?s Delegate is present for the vote.
7.4. If the club?s Delegate is not present for the vote on Disciplinary Action then the Association?s President shall, within seven days by registered mail, notify the club?s Chief Executive Officer of the Member Club?s resulting status within the Association.
7.5. Censure of Member Club
7.5.1. The BOD may censure a Member Club for reasons listed in, but not limited to, Section: 7.9.
7.5.2. The vote to censure may be combined with probation if deemed warranted by the BOD.
7.5.3. The conditions of censure shall be set forth as part of the vote to censure.
7.6. Member Club Probation:
7.6.1. The BOD may place a Member Club on Probationary status for reasons listed in, but not limited to, Section 7.9
7.6.2. Terms and conditions of Probation are to be determined and set forth as part of the vote for probation.
7.7. Member Club Suspension
7.7.1. The BOD may suspend a Member Club for reasons listed in, but not limited to, Section 7.9
7.7.2. Terms and conditions of Suspension are to be determined and set forth as part of the vote for Suspension.
7.8. Member Club Expulsion:
7.8.1. The BOD may vote to expel a Member Club when it is considered by the BOD to be in the best interests of the Association, (See Section 7.9 inclusive)
7.8.2. Expelled Club Membership Privileges Any Association Member Club voted expelled from the Association by the BOD for any reason(s) relinquishes all Association status and membership privileges. This includes but is not limited to: The privilege of use of any Association sponsored trail. Registration by the Association for any shows or runs. Any Association affiliation or benefits obtained by Association membership. All payments of moneys, dues or otherwise, accrued prior to the expulsion date BOD Review of Expulsion Any club voted ?expelled? from the Association, has the right to have its case heard and reviewed by the Board of Directors by petitioning the Board of Directors in writing, within two weeks of the expulsion notification, with reason(s) why said club should not be expelled. Membership Privileges of club under ?Review of Expulsion? Any club under Review of Expulsion by the Board of Directors shall relinquish all member rights until the review is finalized. Notification of Results of ?Review of Expulsion? to Expelled Club Notification of the results of the Review of Expulsion shall be in writing and mailed by an Executive Officer of the Association to the Delegate or the Chief Executive Officer of the club under Review of Expulsion within seven days.
7.9. Reasons for Disciplinary Action, (not limited to the following):
7.9.1. Any action which, at the discretion of the BOD, alienates or causes distress of a ?recreational use? land owner
7.9.2. Nonpayment of Dues - Expulsion for non-payment of dues, based on the Treasurer?s records.
7.9.3. Non-Attendance of Board of Director's Meetings Non-Attendance, as defined in Section 5.4.6: BOD Meetings: Attendance, (inclusive) may constitute reason for expulsion.
7.9.4. Non Payment of any fee(s) voted on and approved by the BOD
7.9.5. Causing the Association Pain, Damage or Defamation of Character
7.9.6. Endangering the public
7.9.7. Causing personal conflicts within the Association
7.9.8. Running Association sponsored trails without Association permission Individual club members running Association sponsored trails without Association permission shall be viewed as the Association Member Club?s responsibility as stated in 7.5.8 above.
7.9.9. Allowing the use of or not enforcing a ban on the consumption of alcohol at least four hours prior to or during any individual Member Club activity which includes driving or being a passenger in any motor vehicle operation related activity, (will result in immediate expulsion)
7.9.10. The use of unlawful drugs by an Association Club individual member constitutes cause for immediate expulsion of the Member Club.
7.9.11. Violation of any rules or standards set forth in these Bylaws;
7.9.12. Noncompliance with any Executive or BOD directive
7.10. Reinstatement of Membership:
7.10.1. Membership Privileges of Expelled Club
7.10.2. Any expelled club allowed to return to active membership shall receive all regular member privileges upon completion of the reinstatement process. (See Section: 2.1: Qualification)
7.10.3. Membership Privileges of Club Expelled for Unlawful Act
7.10.4. Any club cited for committing an unlawful act may permanently forfeit its rights to membership.
8. Board of Directors

8.1. Composition of Board
8.1.1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected five (5) Officers of the Association, (See Section 9.3), and one representative Delegate for each Member Club appointed by that club. In the absence of any member club?s primary or alternate delegate any member of that club present my act as delegate upon approval by the Association President.
8.2. Powers of the Board of Directors
8.2.1. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors who shall have and may exercise all the powers of the Association, except those powers reserved to the Members by law or these Bylaws.
8.3. Officer?s Titles and Qualifications
8.3.1. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, an Executive Vice President, a Vice President of Environmental Affairs, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. All Officers shall be members, of the Association in good standing. The Executive Vice President may hold temporary Office as the President of the Association while still maintaining the Office of Executive Vice President if the President's Office is vacated for any reason
8.3.2. A person may not hold more than one corporate Office at one time.
8.4. Election of Executive Officers
8.4.1. Executive Officers shall be elected annually by the Association's Delegates at the last BOD meeting of the fiscal year. Nominations for each executive Office shall be declared open by the President or acting chair on the next to last meeting of the fiscal year. Nominations will remain open until declared closed by the President or acting chair prior to voting activity. Nominations may be made only by current Delegates or existing Officers. Each nomination must be seconded for acceptance. The Secretary will record all nominations that are accepted. Elections shall be by a secret ballot for each executive Office in sequence: President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Environmental Affairs, Treasurer and Secretary. The Secretary will read aloud the names of those accepted nominations prior to the vote for each Office. The President and Secretary will collect ballots and will both count the votes for each Office. These ballots will be made available for inspection after the count has been announced. In the event of a tie, with more than two candidates, a run-off election will be held between the tied participants. A continued tie will result in a further secret ballot that includes one current Officer whose name is not included in the tie starting with the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Environmental Affairs, Treasurer, and Secretary. Neither absentee ballots nor electronic votes are allowed for the election of Executive Officers.
8.5. Board of Directors - Number and Qualifications
8.5.1. The BOD, annually, at the last meeting of the fiscal year, shall fix the number of BOD club representatives to serve for the following year and shall direct each Member Club to appoint the number of Delegates so fixed; said number shall not be less than one, (1).
8.5.2. BOD Delegates shall be regular members of the Association in good standing.
8.6. Tenure of Officers
8.6.1. Each elected Officer shall hold Office until the last meeting of the second fiscal year following their election. Successors, if any are elected or appointed shall serve the remainder of the original officer?s term. The term of any Officer shall terminate if he resigns, dies, ceases to be a Regular Member of the Association, is removed, or is disqualified.
8.6.2. The President, Vice President of Environmental Affairs and Secretary?s two year terms of service shall start at the beginning of an even numbered fiscal year. Elections for the positions of President, Vice President of Environmental Affairs and Secretary shall be held at the last meeting of an odd numbered year.
9.6.3 Conversely, the Executive Vice President and Treasurer?s two year terms of service shall start at the beginning of an odd numbered fiscal year, Elections for the positions of Executive Vice President and Treasurer shall be held at the last meeting of an even numbered year.
8.7. Executive Office Vacancy
8.7.1. A vacancy in any executive Office may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be filled for the uncompleted term by a qualified Regular Member in good standing, either by appointment by the Board, or by a Special BOD Meeting called to elect a replacement. The Board of Directors shall have and may exercise all their powers notwithstanding the existence of one or more vacancies in their number. If a situation arises such that two or more Executive Offices are for any reason vacant then a quorum will exist for 3/4ths of the BOD plus the remaining executive Officers, if any, but only for the business of appointing or electing executive Office replacements as outlined in Section: 9.7.1
8.8. Suspension and Removal of an Executive Officer
8.8.1. An Officer may be suspended or removed with or without cause by a majority of votes at a Special BOD Meeting called for that purpose. An Officer may be removed with cause only after reasonable notice and after having an opportunity to be heard
8.9. Suspension and Removal of a Delegate
8.9.1. Only the original Club can remove a Delegate. Request may be made by the Association to the Delegate's club to remove such Delegate if it is found by a majority vote of the BOD to be in the best interest of the Association.
8.9.2. The Delegate's Member Club will be held responsible for the actions and behavior of its Delegate.
8.9.3. Justifications for a request for removal include but are not limited to disruptive behavior, non-compliance with Association Bylaws, or lack of information dissemination to that Delegate's club.
8.10. Resignation of an Executive Officer or Delegate
8.10.1. An Officer or Delegate may resign his Office or position by delivering his written resignation to the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Environmental Affairs, Treasurer, or Secretary. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt (unless specified to be effective at some other time) and acceptance thereof shall not be necessary to make it effective unless it so states.
8.11. Resignation of a Member Club
8.11.1. A Member Club may remove itself from all affiliation with the Association by submitting a written resignation to the President of the Association. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt (unless specified to be effective at some other time) and acceptance thereof shall not be necessary to make it effective unless it so states.
9. Executive Officers
9.1. President
10.1.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, and subject to the control of the Board of Directors, shall have general charge and supervision of the affairs of the Association in accordance with these Bylaws. The President shall preside at all BOD meetings Contact Person The President shall be the designated contact person for the Association.
9.2. Executive Vice President
9.2.1. The Executive Vice President shall have such duties and powers, as the Board of Directors shall determine. He/she shall have and may exercise all the powers and duties of the President during the absence of the President or in the President's inability to act.
9.3. Vice President of Environmental Affairs
9.3.1. The Vice President of Environmental Affairs shall have duties shall have such other duties and powers as designated by the Board of Directors or the President.
9.4. Treasurer
9.4.1. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Accounting Officer of the Association. He/she shall be in charge of its financial affairs, funds, securities, and valuable papers and shall keep full and accurate records thereof. He/she shall have such other duties and powers as designated by the Board of Directors or the President. He/she shall also be in charge of the Association's books of account and accounting records, and of its accounting procedures
9.5. Secretary
9.5.1. The Secretary shall record and maintain records of all proceedings of the Board of Directors Meetings in a book or series of books kept for that purpose, which book or books shall be kept at the Office of its Secretary, and shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any Regular Member. Such book or books shall contain records of all meetings of the Association and the original, or attested copies of the Articles of Organization and Bylaws and the names of the Members, Officers, and Directors, and the address of each. If the Secretary is absent from any Annual or Special Meeting of Members, or any Meeting of the Board of Directors, a temporary Secretary, chosen at the meeting, shall exercise the duties of the Secretary at the meeting.
10. Committees
10.1. The Board of Directors at its discretion may elect or appoint one or more committees and may delegate to any such committee or committees any or all of its powers. Any committee to which the powers of the Board of Directors are delegated shall consist solely of Officers and Directors.
10.2. Unless the Board otherwise designates, committees shall conduct their affairs in the same manner as is provided in these Bylaws for the Board. The members of any committee shall remain in Office at the pleasure of the Board.
10.3. Committees shall be formed as directed by the BOD to support Association activities.
10.3.1. Committees may consist of Officers, Delegates and Association club members and shall be appointed by the BOD except as restricted in Section 11.1.
10.3.2. The BOD retains the right to add or remove individual committee members.
10.3.3. All committees report to the BOD and will consist of as many members as dictated by the BOD.
10.3.4. Committee members shall elect their own Chair
11. Execution of Papers
11.1. Except as the Board of Directors may generally or in particular cases authorize the execution in some other manner, all deeds, leases, transfers, contracts, bonds, notes, checks, drafts, and other obligations made, accepted, or endorsed by the Association, shall be signed by the President or the Treasurer as provided in Section 4.1. Any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real estate, executed in the name of the Association by two of its Officers, of whom one is the President, or the Executive Vice President, and the other is the Treasurer, shall be binding on the Association in favor of the purchaser or other person relying in good faith on such instrument notwithstanding, any inconsistent provisions of the Bylaws, resolutions, or votes of the Association.
12. Personal Liability
12.1. The, Delegates, Executive Officers, Association Clubs or Association Club members of the Association shall not be personally liable for any debt, liability, or obligation of the Association. All persons, Associations, or other entities extending credit to, contracting with, or having any claim against, the Association, may look only to the funds and property of the Association for the payment of any such contract or claim, or for payment of any debt, damages, judgment, or decree, or of any money that may otherwise become due or payable to them from the Association.
13. Amendments
13.1. These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed in whole or in part by vote of a majority of the Board of Directors, then in Office, except with respect to any provision thereof which by law or these Bylaws, requires action by the Members.
13.2. The original Bylaws were voted on and accepted on June 30, 2001, as subscribed to in writing by the members of the North East Association of 4WD Clubs.
14. Dissolution of Association
14.1. Dissolution of the Association will be executed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Hampshire with regards to non-profit organizations.