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Associate membership in Blue Robbon Coalition

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:49 am
by Treasurer
Since I love to do more volunteer work, I will offer you all this opportunity. This will be kept simple though. The form asks for payment by check or credit card. I do not want to be reesponsible for having your credit card info, nor do I want to run all the payment through our books. I will be happy to accept checks made out to Blue Ribbon Coalition. I will fill the form out and mail your payment to Blue Ribbon so you get the introductory price of $10 for the first year. I will need your name, address, city state, zip. phone, and email. Our Paypal account is too much work for me to be used for a non-NEA4WDC event.
Send your $10 madepayable to Blue Ribbon Coalition to:
332 North Broadway Apt 105
Salem, NH 03079

The Associate membership entitles the signing member to their own monthly copy of the Blue Ribbon Magazine delivered to their home or mailing address. You do not have to try and get the NEA4WDC copy from me. It is all mine LOL. Also, with their membership card, associate members are given full voting rights. Associate membership is an introductory offer and is good for one full year. At the end of the introductory year, associate members are given the opportunity to simply continue their individual BRC membership at the regular $20 annual dues.

Please help support the cause It will take 5 minutes to drop the check in the mail. I will mail the payments out three at a time to save postage and envelopes.

Let show the rest of the country we exist in the Northeast.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:52 pm
by mpm
This is for an individual Associate membership right...not a club Associate membership?