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UNITED joins law suit to prevent OHRV closures

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:59 am
by Scott Hatch
Contact: Carla Boucher, Attorney - 757-546-7969

off-road vehicle closures in National Park Service units.

United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) and other organizations,
including the Cape Hatteras Access Preservation Alliance, filed a motion
in U.S. district court for the District of Columbia today to intervene
in a suit brought against the National Park Service by Friends of the
Earth, Bluewater Network Division, National Parks Conservation
Association, and Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads (known as
Bluewater Network).

Bluewater Network is asking the court to stop all off-highway vehicle
(OHV) use in all National Parks and to stop all OHV use in all
recreation areas, seashores, lakeshores, or preserves until such units
adopt special regulations for OHV use. Bluewater is hoping the court
will issue an injunction to immediately stop all OHV use at places such
as Canyonlands National Park, Big Bend National Park, Canyon de Chelly
National Monument, Death Valley National Park, Big Cypress National
Preserve, Cape Hatteras National Seashore and Cape Code National
Seashore to name a few.

"This case is of vital importance to four wheel drive users and OHV
users of all kinds", stated Carla Boucher, long-time attorney for UFWDA.
Boucher said, "This case is typical of the mindset of anti-access
organizations such as Bluewater and Wildlands Center for Preventing
Roads who believe OHV use should be banned in all National Park units,
even units such as Cape Hatteras National Seashore that is in the midst
of legal planning for OHV management". Cape Hatteras has allowed OHV use
since it was established in 1953. Its implementing legislation
guaranteed OHV access and the Park Service convened the negotiated
rulemaking process in June of 2005 to create a fair and balanced OHV
management plan by local stakeholders. UFWDA has been nominated to
represent OHV interests on the Hatteras rulemaking advisory committee.
A similar OHV rulemaking process was completed by the National Park
Service at Fire Island and Padre Island, yet all three national
seashores are subject to the ban Bluewater is requesting.

"It appears from the complaint that Bluewater and friends do not want
public access at our National Park units, even in those units where the
public, the Park Service, and other environmental organizations have
worked diligently to establish proper OHV management plans", concluded
Boucher who is a nationally recognized land use authority and
conservation advocate. UFWDA feels strongly that motorized interests can
only be protected from sweeping closures of legal OHV use in our
national parks if we intervene in this suit and demonstrate for the
court the fallacy of Bluewater's claim and the dire impact wholesale
closures will have on public lands access in this country.

United retains a full time attorney dedicated to four wheel drive access
issues and is privileged to collaborate with chief council on this case
Holland & Knight, one of the 15 largest law firms in the world.

# # # # #

United is the leading representative for four wheel drive enthusiasts in
the U.S., Canada, and abroad. If you would like more information on how
you can be a part of this effort to keep America accessible contact
United Four Wheel Drive Associations today at 7135 S. PR Royal Springs
Dr., Shelbyville, IN 46176, 1-800-448-3932, , or
call Carla Boucher at (757) 546-7969.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:13 pm
by Treasurer
It is amazing disabled access groups do not sue for ADA access to Federal Land.