This is our 5th year doing this fundraiser, which is really important to people that need to eat and as a PR tool in our continued efforts to keep public Right of Ways open in Western Massachusetts for 4WD use.
This fundraiser is for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts.
In the last 4 years, we have funded 33,586 nutritious meals for the Food Bank of Western MA. This year, to date, we have funded over 10,000 meals. We are trying to reach 50,000 funded meals this year. 44,000 ish meals in 5 years is pretty good, but we have space left and several different donation options.
$10 = 30 meals!
1. PARTICIPATE IN THE TRAIL RIDE EVENT, in New Braintree, MA on December 29th on private property we call, The Horsefarm. Right now, there's only 6 tickets left! Sign up for $50 (+and about $5 in fees) and your payment goes 100% to the donation we're making by Jan 5th. That's $50 to fund 150 meals. The trails are rated as green, which in our club means, for this run, 32" tires and front and rear recovery points. Most stock JK/JL Wranglers and a whole lot of Broncos can do these trails. The trail system also supports some obstacles and loop options that are rated by our club as Blue to Red. Blue is basically a lifted and upgraded 4x4, that has a locker or a winch. Red for our club does mean the rig has license plates.
We have trailer parking about 1/2 mile from the trail head. *** This is a charity event. We're not running your plates, but we might check your recovery points and tires. *** +++ We DO require the MA OHV Registrations. Any passenger vehicle operated for recreation on unimoroved terrain is required to be registered. +++
A. Password: MTC24
B. Link:
2. An easy way for simple donations is through our PayPal fundraiser QR Code
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all!